Source code for dynamikontrol.Motor

import time
import math
import warnings

[docs]class Servo(object): """Servo(Angle) motor submodule class. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from dynamikontrol import Module import time module = Module() module.motor.angle(0) time.sleep(2) while True: module.motor.angle(45) time.sleep(2) def cb(string): print(string) module.motor.angle(-45, func=cb, args=('hello',)) # print 'hello' when motor stopped at -45 degree. time.sleep(2) module.disconnect() Args: module (object): Module object. """ def __init__(self, module): self.m = module self.type = 0x03 self.command = { 'angle': 0x00, 'angle_period': 0x01, 'set_offset': 0x02, 'angle_seq': 0x40, 'angle_period_seq': 0x41, 'get_offset': 0x81 }
[docs] def angle(self, angle, period=None, func=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """Control the angle of motor. Args: angle (int): If ``angle > 0`` moves along clockwise, otherwise moves along counter clockwise. ``angle`` must be between ``-85`` to ``85`` in degrees. period (float, optional): Control period. ``period`` must be between ``0.0`` to ``65.0`` in second. Defaults to ``None``. func (function, optional): Callback function when motor has been stopped. Defaults to ``None``. args (tuple, optional): args for callback function. Defaults to ``()``. kwargs (dict, optional): kwargs for callback function. Defaults to ``{}``. """ direction = 0x00 if angle >= 0 else 0x01 angle_hex = min(abs(angle), 255) if func is None: if period is None: data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['angle']).set_data([direction, angle_hex]).encode() else: if period < 0 or period > 65: raise ValueError('Motor period value must be between 0.0 to 65.0 in second.') period = int(period * 1000) period_h = (period >> 8) & 0xff period_l = period & 0xff data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['angle_period']).set_data([direction, angle_hex, period_h, period_l]).encode() else: if period is None: data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['angle_seq']).set_data([direction, angle_hex, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).encode() else: if period < 0 or period > 65: raise ValueError('Motor period value must be between 0.0 to 65.0 in second.') period = int(period * 1000) period_h = (period >> 8) & 0xff period_l = period & 0xff data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['angle_period_seq']).set_data([direction, angle_hex, period_h, period_l, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).encode() self.m._add_motor_cb_func(func, args, kwargs) self.m.send(data)
[docs] def get_offset(self): """Get offset of the motor. Returns: float: Offset of the motor in degree. """ data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['get_offset']).set_data([]).encode() command, received_data = self.m._manual_send_receive(data, 3 + 6) direction = 1 if received_data[0] == 0 else -1 angle_int = received_data[1] angle_point = received_data[2] / 10. return direction * (angle_int + angle_point)
[docs] def set_offset(self, angle): """Set offset of the motor. If the motor angle is inclined slightly even angle set to 0, you can adjust offset of the motor manually. Args: angle (float): Offset of the motor in degree. e.g) 17.5 """ direction = 0x00 if angle >= 0 else 0x01 angle_hex = abs(angle) angle_int = int(angle_hex) angle_point = int(round(angle_hex - angle_int, 1) * 10) data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['set_offset']).set_data([direction, angle_int, angle_point]).encode() self.m.send(data) time.sleep(0.1) self.angle(0) time.sleep(0.1)
[docs]class BLDC(object): """BLDC(Speed) motor submodule class. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from dynamikontrol import Module import time module = Module() module.motor.speed(1000) time.sleep(5) module.motor.stop() module.disconnect() Args: module (object): Module object. """ def __init__(self, module): self.m = module self.type = 0x04 self.command = { 'speed': 0x00, 'speed_period': 0x01, 'stop': 0x10, 'speed_seq': 0x40, 'speed_period_seq': 0x41, 'get_speed': 0x81 }
[docs] def speed(self, speed, period=None, unit='rpm', func=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """Control speed of the motor. Args: speed (int): If ``speed > 0`` spins along clockwise, otherwise spins along counter clockwise. period (int, optional): Control period. ``period`` must be between ``0.0`` to ``65.0`` in second. Defaults to ``None``. unit (str, optional): Speed unit must be one of ``rpm``, ``deg/s`` and ``rad/s``. Defaults to ``'rpm'``. func (function, optional): Callback function when motor has been stopped. Defaults to ``None``. args (tuple, optional): args for callback function. Defaults to ``()``. kwargs (dict, optional): kwargs for callback function. Defaults to ``{}``. """ direction = 0x00 if speed >= 0 else 0x01 speed = abs(speed) unit = unit.lower() # 60 rpm == 360 deg/s == 360 * math.pi / 180 rad/s # 1 rpm == 6 deg/s == math.pi / 30 rad/s if unit == 'rad/s': speed = speed / (math.pi / 30) elif unit == 'deg/s': speed = speed / 6 elif unit == 'rpm': pass else: raise ValueError('Motor unit value must be one of rpm, deg/s and rad/s.') speed = int(speed) if 0 < speed < 50: warnings.warn('Motor is not working properly when absolute value of speed is less than 50 RPM.') if speed > 65535: raise ValueError('Motor speed value must be between 0 to 65535 in RPM.') speed_h = (speed >> 8) & 0xff speed_l = speed & 0xff if func is None: if period is None: data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['speed']).set_data([direction, speed_h, speed_l]).encode() else: if period < 0 or period > 65: raise ValueError('Motor period value must be between 0.0 to 65.0 in second.') period = int(period * 1000) period_h = (period >> 8) & 0xff period_l = period & 0xff data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['speed_period']).set_data([direction, speed_h, speed_l, period_h, period_l]).encode() else: if period is None: data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['speed_seq']).set_data([direction, speed_h, speed_l, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).encode() else: if period < 0 or period > 65: raise ValueError('Motor period value must be between 0.0 to 65.0 in second.') period = int(period * 1000) period_h = (period >> 8) & 0xff period_l = period & 0xff data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['speed_period_seq']).set_data([direction, speed_h, speed_l, period_h, period_l, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).encode() self.m._add_motor_cb_func(func, args, kwargs) self.m.send(data)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the motor immediately. """ data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['stop']).set_data([]).encode() self.m.send(data)
[docs] def get_speed(self, func, unit='rpm'): """Get speed of the motor asynchronously. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from dynamikontrol import Module import time module = Module() module.motor.speed(4000, period=10) def get_speed_cb(speed): print('Current Speed', speed) for i in range(60): time.sleep(0.5) module.motor.get_speed(func=get_speed_cb) module.disconnect() Args: func (function): Callback function when getting speed from the motor. unit (str, optional): Speed unit must be one of ``rpm``, ``deg/s`` and ``rad/s``. Defaults to ``'rpm'``. """ data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command['get_speed']).set_data([]).encode() self.m.send(data) if unit not in ['rad/s', 'deg/s', 'rpm']: raise ValueError('Motor unit value must be one of rpm, deg/s and rad/s.') self.m._add_get_speed_cb_func(func=func, unit=unit)
[docs]class Motor(object): def __init__(self, module): self.m = module if == '0001': self.motor = Servo(module=self.m) elif == '0002': self.motor = BLDC(module=self.m)
[docs] def angle(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0001': raise TypeError('angle() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Angle model only.') self.motor.angle(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_offset(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0001': raise TypeError('get_offset() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Angle model only.') return self.motor.get_offset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_offset(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0001': raise TypeError('set_offset() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Angle model only.') self.motor.set_offset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def speed(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0002': raise TypeError('speed() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Speed model only.') self.motor.speed(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0002': raise TypeError('speed() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Speed model only.') self.motor.stop(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_speed(self, *args, **kwargs): if != '0002': raise TypeError('speed() function is supported for DynamiKontrol Speed model only.') self.motor.get_speed(*args, **kwargs)