dynamikontrol.LED의 소스 코드

[문서]class LED(object): """LED submodule class. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from dynamikontrol import Module import time module = Module() module.led.blink(color='r') # blink red module.led.toggle(color='g') # toggle green while True: module.led.on(color='y') # turn on yellow time.sleep(0.1) module.led.off(color='y') # turn off yellow time.sleep(0.1) module.disconnect() Args: module (object): Module object. """ def __init__(self, module): self.m = module self.type = 0x01 self.command = { 'r': 0x00, 'y': 0x01, 'g': 0x02 } self.mode = { 'off': 0x00, 'on': 0x01, 'toggle': 0x02, 'blink': 0x03 } def __send(self, color, mode, on_delay=0, off_delay=0): on_low_bit = on_delay & 0xFF on_high_bit = (on_delay >> 8) & 0xFF off_low_bit = off_delay & 0xFF off_high_bit = (off_delay >> 8) & 0xFF data = self.m.p2m.set_type(self.type).set_command(self.command[color]).set_data([self.mode[mode], on_high_bit, on_low_bit, off_high_bit, off_low_bit]).encode() self.m.send(data)
[문서] def off(self, color='all'): """Turn off the LED light Args: color (str, optional): Color of the LED light. ``r``, ``y`` or ``g``. Defaults to ``all``. """ if color not in ['r', 'g', 'y', 'all']: raise ValueError('LED light color must be one of "r", "y", "g" and "all".') if color in ['all', 'r']: self.__send('r', 'off') if color in ['all', 'y']: self.__send('y', 'off') if color in ['all', 'g']: self.__send('g', 'off')
[문서] def on(self, color='all'): """Turn on the LED light. Args: color (str, optional): Color of the LED light. ``r``, ``y`` or ``g``. Defaults to ``all``. """ if color not in ['r', 'g', 'y', 'all']: raise ValueError('LED light color must be one of "r", "y", "g" and "all".') if color in ['all', 'r']: self.__send('r', 'on') if color in ['all', 'y']: self.__send('y', 'on') if color in ['all', 'g']: self.__send('g', 'on')
[문서] def toggle(self, color='all'): """Toggle the LED light. Turn off while the light on status and turn on while the light off. Args: color (str, optional): Color of the LED light. ``r``, ``y`` or ``g``. Defaults to ``all``. """ if color not in ['r', 'g', 'y', 'all']: raise ValueError('LED light color must be one of "r", "y", "g" and "all".') if color in ['all', 'r']: self.__send('r', 'toggle') if color in ['all', 'y']: self.__send('y', 'toggle') if color in ['all', 'g']: self.__send('g', 'toggle')